KKB: A movement with a mission

6 May

kabataan ang pagasa ng bayan, rizalThe Kristiyanong Kabataan para sa Bayan (KKB) Movement has the mission to inspire the Youth to live for Christ and to offer the prime years of their lives in service to God and Country. At first, i was intimidated by the word “movement”.  I could not imagine my self carrying a streamer or rallying across streets shouting against the Government. But i was wrong.  The movement  was not about being on the headlines and making the media look after every “gimmicks” that you make. It was being part of the change in your own  private life.

After two years, KKB Movement has been a big impact for who i am today. It taught me how to love God and be a responsible Filipino. I will never regret the day that i joined this movement.



But the passion of KKB’s eighties-nineties freshmen couldn’t just be bottled up in Manila’s campuses. In less than five years since its founding, the Movement was able to launch a full-scale church-planting mission to Albay province (southeast from Manila). The island-hopping and mountain-trekking debut mission trip paid off as JIL Church’s various chapters in Albay remain today. Indeed, a legacy that shall stand timeless for JIL youth’s history.

Drawing strength and experience from these formative years, KKB carried on to become what it was meant to become: a Christian youth movement with a patriotic kick. The nineties stretch gradually immersed KKB members to sociopolitical intercession and participation. It has never kept mum on pressing values and morals issues such as pornography and corruption in the government. Its programs became especially designed to motivate and inspire the Filipino youth to take an active part in community building. Various humanitarian outreach such as gift giving activities, medical and dental missions, bloodletting drives, hospital and jail visitations have also become the Movement’s means of getting across God’s message of hope and love in different parts of the country.

Through the years, KKB Movement has not ceased as a dynamic youth force in transforming young people by the power of God. Its sociopolitical involvement echoes the fundamental visions of JIL Church. And most essentially, it carries on the work upon which JIL started: campus evangelism. Through life-changing leadership programs and community outreach, KKB Movement trains and develops young people who are passionate about Truth, Justice, and Righteousness.

The Kristiyanong Kabataan para sa Bayan. A movement with a mission. A movement with a purpose. As long as there are generations to inspire to live for Jesus and to offer service to God and to the nation, KKB shall keep on moving to move the nations.


Here is a video aired last Youth Summit 2009: Wildfire as we celebrate 20 years of God’s provision.

Be part of the Change. Join us in our Mission.

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5 Responses to “KKB: A movement with a mission”

  1. FRANCES CANTILLON December 15, 2010 at 8:31 am #

    To God be the Glory.
    Go fight win KKBS

  2. lovelikejesus October 16, 2015 at 2:53 am #


  3. gideons700 July 20, 2016 at 2:26 am #

    hello KKB’s

  4. Lean_KKBmabuhay August 23, 2016 at 3:30 am #

    Glory to God KKB’s!


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